Friday, February 8, 2008


I'm feeling bored, looking for something new and exciting to do, but really i donnu what to do.

Plzz, Helppp ...

What things you do when you get bored ...

How to spend time !!!

Also I'm feeling hungry


  1. مممم
    انا بتغلاظ على اخواتي
    بتحركش بالشباب
    بتصفح بعض المواقع
    بتفرج على التلفزيون لأنه عادة بكون الي شي شهرين 3 ما شفت شي عليه

    بدبر حالي

  2. Music, sports, reading, good movie,friends...

  3. btet3'alaz 3la e5watak hai 7elweh :D
    thnx qabbani

  4. Hi gardenia, friends ma bfdoole, sports fe elo wa2t m3ayan,
    reading 2bel ma anam.
    o blnesbeh la el movies 7elo fekra bs mo arabic movies akeed bs bardo bezahe2 :D

    thnx GARDENIA.
    btw; nice name


Feel free to post your comment inshallah I will reply back asap ;)